Christingle and other Advent resources

Worship Resources:
Advent and Christmas

Also see StF's  One stop shop for Advent


christingleAll the details you might need to know for preparing a Christingle service can be found on the Church of England’s Children’s Society website.

A detailed history and explanation of the Christingle tradition, including its Moravian origins, has been included by freelance writer Liz Hearn on the Time website. A further version of the story behind the Christingle is included in the Wikipedia article on Christingle.




Out of the Ordinary

out-of-the-ordinary-worship-resource-2023-cover-imageout-of-the-ordinary-worship-resource-2023-cover-imageOut of the Ordinary, the Methodist Church’s 2023 Advent and Christmas campaign is running for all the Sundays of December, and Christmas Day. The resources, including hymns suggested by StF+, focus on how the wonder of God’s love is revealed in the ordinary:

  • a seemingly ordinary birth becomes God’s out of the ordinary world-saving event through Jesus
  • every day, ordinary acts of kindness can breakthrough to the extraordinary

Download the Out of the Ordinary worship resource (PDF)

Other Advent resources

The Methodist Church’s Word in Time provides Bible studies for the lectionary readings set for Advent. You may also find helpful the back catalogue of resources produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI). A different approach is offered by the rhythms of Ignatian Spirituality – which guides users through contemplation and reflective prayer, with help of artwork.

With Christian Aid, you can join a weekly email journey through Advent. In the weekly emails, you will find prayerful reflections, stories from Bangladesh and suggestions to maximise your fundraising plans as a church.

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