Celebrating Singing the Faith

Worship Resources:
Making the most of hymns

Are you planning a service or event around the hymn book, Singing the Faith? Here are some resources drawn in part from the launch event at Wesley Chapel in London, October 2011.




Service of Thanksgiving
On Friday 21 October 2011, the publication of Singing the Faith was celebrated at a service of thanksgiving held at Wesley’s Chapel in London. The Revd the Lord Griffiths preached on the faith that Methodists sing about, and members of the Music Resource Group (responsible for the contents of the book) were present to receive presentation copies of the new hymn book.

The hymns and worship songs chosen for this service illustrate well the diversity of style and content represented within Singing the Faith.

Service of Thanksgiving, Wesley Chapel: complete order of service

You may also find useful a PowerPoint presentation, Get to know Singing the Faith.

A Prayer for Holy Communion
A Eucharistic prayer written to celebrate the new hymn collection by The Revd Andrew Murphy, a former member of the new Singing the Faith Reference Group.

Download a prayer for Holy Communion here

Prayer of thanksgiving
(also included in Service of Thanksgiving above )

God, who sang the world into being,
we give thanks that you have raised up a people born in song,
to respond to you wholeheartedly in worship and service.
We thank you that you still pour out your creative gifts upon your people
and inspire us with the movement of your Spirit.
Help us to use your gifts wisely,
so that our creativity points to you and does not become an end in itself:
and may the fruits of your inspiration continue to equip your Church to worship you,
to proclaim your love
and to serve the present age.

(Courtesy of  Revd Ian Howarth, a member of the Music Resources Group)


Prayer of praise
God of music and dance, all creation blesses you.
May our hearts rise to greet you in songs of praise,
for you are a God of wonder.
May the world learn your song and join in harmonious relations,
so that your peace may be known on earth.

(Courtesy of Kavula John, a member of the Music Resources Group)

A pause for thought
by the Revd Ruth Jeffries, a member of the Music Resources Group


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