Before I take the body of my Lord (StF 575)

Authors & translators:
Bell, John L. (auth)
Authors & translators:
Maule, Graham
Laying Down
Composers & arrangers:
Bell, John L. (comp)
Guitar Chords:
Guitar chords available
Singing the Faith: 575 (CD24 #3)
STF Number:


Ideas for use

The confessional nature of this text ("I recognise the sorry things within: / these I lay down") and its allusions to the Sharing of the Peace (verse 4) suggest that, while this hymn is well suited to use during a service of Holy Communion, it is perhaps not best sung immediately prior to receiving the bread and wine. Our approach to the Lord’s Table is one that can always be made with joy and thanksgiving, in the confidence of forgiveness received. (See, for example, I come with joy, a child of God, StF 588)

"Before I take the body of my Lord", therefore, is most appropriately sung as a prayer of confession, perhaps prior to the Sharing of the Peace.

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