Climate and Creation – other worship resources

Worship Resources:
Climate and Creation

A growing number of organisations and movements offer resources for use in worship and study groups. See Climate & Creation: Organisations.

Below is a selection of places you might like to begin exploring. If you would like to recommend further options, or have developed worship resources yourself, please get in touch.

Eco Church is an A Rocha UK award scheme for churches in England and Wales “who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth”.

Worship and study resources are grouped into five areas:

    • Prayer
    • Songs
    • Sermon outlines
    • Youth materials
    • Small group resources

Each area is broken down into an accessible format:

    • Think – a moment to reflect or a story to inspire
    • Do – a simple task to perform
    • Do more – a list of points for further study and action, with links to all sorts of helpful resources that are available online from a variety of different organisations

For those in Scotland, there is a sister organisation, Eco Congregation Scotland, which has also prepared a range of resources under the heading Greening Worship.




Green Christian “offers insights into ecology and the environment to Christian people and churches; and Christian insights to the Green movement”.

In the website’s Blog Archives, you can find worship materials that include prayers, sermons, hymns, plays and liturgies.

Green Christian also produces a monthly prayer guide, with email alerts available.

Operation Noah is “a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on climate change”.

Liturgies include a Creation Communion and a service to introduce ‘Climate change and the purposes of God’.

A wide range of other worship resources include responsive psalms with photos, a list of hymns on the theme of creation, and ideas for intercessions. Also, available, a six-week Lent Study Course.


The Methodist Church supports Pray and Fast for the Climate, an international “movement of Christians praying and fasting on the 1st of each month for climate justice”.

The Revd Phil Jump explores the question: "Why fast for the climate?" Healthy fasting guidelines from the NHS are also available.

Find out more about the movement on the Pray and Fast for the Climate website, where you can sign up for monthly emails that will offer you prayer points and the latest news about the initiative.

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